Tools for the Journey

Life is a journey. The Holy Spirit helps us to develop the tools needed for this journey. The notes taken from sermons, Bible lessons, or our daily scripture readings are the equipment and tools we need to pack. One way to assemble all the parts is by documenting; to be creative and develop your unique toolbox by constantly being aware of ways to apply what is in the Bible.

Research and documentation is the key. One way is to create a log that references the principles God tells us to live by; then come up with practical ways to apply His principles. Purposefully look for God in nature, music, sports, movies, at the golf course, work, the shopping center, and in His people. Document what you see. Collect facts, quotes, and personal thoughts from your experiences. Collect pictures from the Internet or movie clips that are inspiring and meaningful to you. With computer applications today, you can create a databases to help organize lessons found in the bible and tie together what you see and what you collect.

Keep in mind; you could be creating something future generations will use. Your children, nephews, nieces, or neighbor’s children may live in a much better world because of you. Imagine Sunday school teachers, pastors, or small group leaders using your application in the future. By listening to what God is saying in His Word and through prayer, learning from the lessons in the Bible and the experiences of life, you may be the one God will use to make life better for others.

Be enthusiastic about each day as you collect thoughts, ideas, and research material. Keep up with and document like you do when you put money in the bank. Like putting money in a 401K plan, the sooner you start the better. Just as investments grow throughout life, so can these treasures you collect.

If Microsoft can invent a system to help make a complicated computer easier to use, you can invent and develop a system to help people apply faith. Think of ways to organize the principles that Jesus displayed and used during His time on Earth and link these to everything you do; a tool or app that stimulates action to produce the best you have to offer and help others in return.

Your applied faith system might also carry over into all aspects of our society. After developing this app, map, or system of applying faith, it might be used to help write books. It might be used as a resource for teachers to help students apply knowledge given to them in a more efficient and practical way; taking knowledge a step forward and a catalyst that spreads like ripples on a pond.

I see a day when churches are packed like our sports arenas and people look forward all week to the church service. I see a day when writers summarize a sermon, Sunday school lesson, or Bible lessons like sportswriters cover the big game of the week. I see a day when people flock to churches because churches have the reputation of teaching tremendous skills needed in our world today; the right attitudes, life skills, and job skills. A reputation that is better than the business seminar companies. With resource libraries and slide shows that nail down proven success principles. I see a day when the church is recognized as the best place for youth to prepare for careers. I see a day when companies use your applied faith system to achieve greatness and produce products that make our lives easier. I see all this because of the helpful system you are developing.

This helpful system you develop will someday be usable as research material and will be put together in book form to help others, your kids, your grand kids, or your neighbor’s kids.  At some point in life, maybe at retirement or some other defining moment in live, take this system of filed thoughts, ideas, and research and use it; use it to write a book. The purpose is to develop a book that highlights the building blocks of Christianity and used as a tool to help focus on God – a playbook to step ahead.

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey by clicking on the like button at the facebook link below, following on twitter, or following my daily devotional called “This Day with God”:

This Day with God Devotional

About Mark Shields

Mark works in the Information Systems Department for an Insurance Company. He volunteers as a member of the media ministry team at his church and runs the 10:50 worship service computer. A few years ago, he started an on-line Bible study guide called “This Day with God Devotional”. He uses this as a tool in his journey through the Bible. We live in a very busy world with busy schedules so this tool has helped him continue with daily Bible reading and study. You’re invited to join him on this journey or check in every so often to read his thoughts.
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2 Responses to Tools for the Journey

  1. Pingback: Steps to Take | This Day With God

  2. Pingback: Why Must I Read The Bible Daily? | Conversations

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